martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

Mensaje de Michael Cashman a los británicos residentes en España: votad al PSOE

Michael Cashman, Eurodiputado socialista británico y vicepresidente de la Comisión de Peticiones- al que recordaréis por su participación en la delegación del Parlamento europeo que visitó Madrid, Valencia y Andalucía para estudiar las ingentes denuncias por abusos urbanísticos- ha enviado este mensaje dirigido a todos los residentes británicos en España, para que voten al PSOE en las elecciones autonómicas y munincipales de Mayo:

Message to all British Residents in Spain

Make your vote count!
Vote Socialist in the May local and regional elections

I'm writing to you today to ask for your support in the up coming local elections. As some of you may be aware I have been working hard in the European Parliament in order to resolve several problems which are affecting residents in Spain, the most prominent of which is the issue of land irregularities.

As European citizens, all residents in Spain have the right to vote in the May local elections. I would ask you to use your vote to support my Socialist colleagues who are standing for election in the various regions of Spain. I am working closely with them in order to put pressure on local, regional and national governments in order to resolve the problems many of you are faced with. By giving your support to Socialist candidates, you will be making your voice heard and sending a strong signal that non Spanish residents' rights are vital for Spain's international reputation as well as its economic well being. Spain and her regions must respect all citizens' fundamental rights including property rights.

It's for these reasons that I ask you to help me continue the fight for justice on your behalf by voting PSOE in May.

Many thanks and best wishes,


Michael Cashman MEP
Labour Member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands region
Elected Member of the Labour Party's national Executive Committee
First Vice President of the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament

¡Gracias por tu apoyo, Michael!

Yo le sumo mi petición a todos los residentes con derecho a voto y a todas las españolas y todos los españoles.

Tu voto cuenta.

Vota PSOE.

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