martes, 6 de marzo de 2007

Federalistas por la Constitución Europea

Esta mañana, los miembros del comité director del Intergrupo Federalista por la Constitución Europea hemos dado una conferencia de prensa en el Parlamento Europeo, para hacer pública la Declaración que hemos preparado con ocasión del 50 aniversario del Tratado de Roma y que os incluyo al final de este mensaje.

En la mesa estaban también Andrew Duff, György Schöpflin, Libor Roucek, Jo Leinen y Gérard Onesta.

Creo que hay una frase que resume bastante acertadamente el contenido de esta declaración: "sin Constitución a Europa le faltarán cohesión interna y fuerza exterior".


Europe is healing itself from hostilities and division. Learning from the bitter experiences of the 20th Century, European states and citizens now foster human rights, cherish the rule of law and work together to develop new forms of democratic governance. Former enemies are now loyal partners. Dictatorships and authoritarian regimes have been replaced by pluralistic liberal democracy. Equality of status is guaranteed for large and small states alike. Few areas of European public life are now untouched by the success of practical integration. And the peoples of Europe have more in common with each other than not.

The establishment of the European Economic Community played a key part in these developments, and the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome fully merits to be celebrated across Europe and in the wider world.

Throughout the post-war period, federalism has been a powerful driving force behind European integration. Federalists inspired the founding fathers of the European Union and have not ceased to work towards the goal of a close union of Europe’s states and peoples in which no single level of government is subordinate to any other but all are coordinate. In 2007 the Federalist Intergroup of the European Parliament is also commemorating the centenary of Altiero Spinelli who made a particularly important contribution to the constitutional development of the Union.
While Europe has achieved much since the end of the Second World War in creating and then gradually extending the political scope of unification as well as in widening membership of the Union, there remains much work to be done if the mission of the founding fathers is to be wholly fulfilled.

We Members of the European Parliament who are proud to call ourselves federalists believe that 2007 will be decisive for the success of the democratic project. We are convinced that the European Union needs to complete its constitutional process in order to be fully equipped to meet the demands of the 21st Century and the aspirations of a large majority of its citizens. With no constitution, Europe will lack internal cohesion and external strength, and the EU’s development into a mature, post-national democracy will be impaired.

Europe's federalists commit themselves anew to the task of building a united, democratic Europe which will deliver peace, tolerance, prosperity and freedom to our own peoples and which may act as a beacon of hope worldwide.

Como yo ya he hablado esta mañana, ahora lo que me interesa es que me digáis que os parece a vosotros. ¿Comentarios?

1 comentario:

Kali Tuxi dijo...

Somos muchos los que soñamos y trabajamos por una Europa Federal. Sin embargo a algunos ese futuro aún nos sigue pareciendo muy lejano. Cómo podemos fomentar el federalismo europeo en España? Qué hace falta para una verdadera unión política y ciudadana? Para una unidad en la diversidad? Y aprovechando el interrogatorio Qué piensas de los JEF (jóvenes federalistas europeos)??
En fin! Un saludo, un abrazo grande, y si tienes tiempo espero tus respuestas (aquí, en el mail o en mi blog -ps: te enlazo-)